Life’s Palette Blog
Life’s Palette is a space for sharing my personal stories and reflections.
I have also included journal articles and media pieces that I have contributed to.
All my writings are about my life, my caregiving journey, connections to others and the struggles faced in this chaotic world.
Episode 3 of the “Who Cares” Podcast
On this episode, we talked to Helen Ries, co-founder of Siblings Canada, on how an empty desert of support inspired her to create the resources for other siblings that she never had.
Gathering the Pieces
Over a lifetime, dozens of people come and go. Some leave barely a trace, while others stay with us.
Article: Caring for the Numbers
I was invited to write a story for 3.21 Canada’s Down Syndrome Magazine in their special “The Money Issue.
Lived Experience
I say these families are amazing with pride because we are also one of them.
Deconstructing Value
Now, in midlife I find myself standing in the rubble of the expectations and promises of my early years.
The head spread open and welcomed the sun onto its bright pedals and its face browned.