Life’s Palette Blog
Life’s Palette is a space for sharing my personal stories and reflections.
I have also included journal articles and media pieces that I have contributed to.
All my writings are about my life, my caregiving journey, connections to others and the struggles faced in this chaotic world.
Episode 3 of the “Who Cares” Podcast
On this episode, we talked to Helen Ries, co-founder of Siblings Canada, on how an empty desert of support inspired her to create the resources for other siblings that she never had.
Article: Caring for the Numbers
I was invited to write a story for 3.21 Canada’s Down Syndrome Magazine in their special “The Money Issue.
Deconstructing Value
Now, in midlife I find myself standing in the rubble of the expectations and promises of my early years.
Article: Why Siblings Are The Forgotten Caregivers
Link to Chatelaine Magazine article
As adults with disabilities outlive their parents, siblings are becoming primary caregivers with little preparation.
Article: For family caregivers, cost of unpaid care work is both personal and professional
Canadians spend 5.7 billion unpaid hours each year on caregiving, with many of them struggling to balance the demands of care and paid work, according to The Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence