Episode 3 of the “Who Cares” Podcast

On January 15, 2025, Who Cares released its third episode, and I was honoured to be part of this groundbreaking podcast alongside my friends and fellow siblings Melissa Ngo and Terrence Ho. This episode delves into the unique realities of growing up with a sibling who has a chronic illness or disability—an experience that often reshapes childhood and continues to shape lives well into adulthood.

The episode description reads:

"When your sibling has a chronic illness or disability, childhood—and life itself—can look quite different from what you might expect. In this episode of Who Cares, we speak with Helen Ries, co-founder of Siblings Canada, about how the absence of support led her to create the resources she wished had existed. We also hear from Terrence Ho, a caregiving advocate and author, who spent over 30 years caring for his younger brother, Torrence."

This conversation is an important one, shedding light on the often-overlooked role of sibling caregivers.


Gathering the Pieces