Beyond Grassroots

I am very proud of this video. 

It was a mark in the time when Siblings Canada moved from being a grassroots organization to becoming part of the Azrieli Foundations family through the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence (CCCE). 

As a grassroots organization we worked tirelessly off the side of our desks trying to make Siblings Canada work. We lurched from grant to grant and idea to idea. Our future was unsure. 

In this video, Naomi Azrieli is the CEO of the Azrieli Foundation, gives our work high praise and welcomes Siblings Canada into the Azrieli Foundation. This is one of the most significant points in my career and my life. 

From anger, despair, loneliness and grief to a socially innovative national movement under the wings of the CCCE. We made it. 


Apprenticing in the art of the pause


Journal Article: Exploring the experiences of siblings of adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities during the COVID‐19 pandemic